Author: Gina

  • Quick Tips for a Decorator on a Budget

    If you are looking for a change in your home decor, but are on a budget, there are several great inexpensive tips you can use to instantly update any room, without breaking the bank. If your walls, bedroom furniture sets, living room furniture, or dining room furniture are looking a bit dingy, the best solution…

  • Give Unique Wedding Gifts This Wedding Seasons

    Chances are likely that if you have an upcoming wedding to attend, that you have given thought to the type of gift you would like to give the new couple. It is likely that the couple will amass a large quantity of envelopes containing cards and much needed cash, but what about choosing unique wedding…

  • Benefits Of Shopping For Planet Blue Styles

    The Blu Moon and Blue Life bohemian clothing lines from Planet blue can help you expand your wardrobe. If you are not familiar with Southern California fashion, Planet Blue boutiques can help you discover how to look your best in this area. Whether you want to find a piece of clothing that will look amazing…