Gina Morgan Photography, which is not to be confused with the Gina concept car, Gina Davis bodybuilder, Ginas skinny recipes, Sesame street gina or unrelated Gina news, is a photography business that captures life’s precious moments, from wedding ceremonies and celebrations of newlyweds to a newborn’s first smile to a child’s most beautiful poses. The company, led by Gina Morgan of northern Mississippi, takes professional photographs of teenagers for their senior pictures, newlyweds during and after their weddings, babies, couples who were recently engaged, and entire families wanting their professional portraits taken.
Eight years ago, Gina Morgan Photography was born when photographer Gina Morgan found her true passion of capturing these special moments. Her daughter, Lillie, is largely responsible for Morgan honing her craft. She was the perfect muse for the photographer, and now she helps mom out in any way she can. Rodeos had something to do with the business getting started too, since Morgan would shoot these events for clients and realized that she was very good at it. Ever since then, the business has flourished through the ups and downs that the U.S. economy has experienced. Now she shoots more people standing and smiling for the camera than she does rodeos, though she still loves to hit a good rodeo whenever the opportunity arises.
Through Gina Morgan Photography, Morgan captures color and black and white shots, capturing life’s moments large and small. She has her own studio but often shoots on location, traveling far distances when required to make celebrations and capture these moments offsite throughout Mississippi and elsewhere. At her studio, she takes beautiful images of little babies in their birthday suits or in adorable little outfits, sleeping or wide awake, while outside the studio she accommodates whatever needs her clients have, from outdoor shots to indoor ones and everything in between.
At Gina Morgan Photography, the entire focus is on producing high quality digital images of these clients, who often ask specifically for Gina Morgan Photography when they are planning out their photography needs. Over the past eight years, Gina Morgan Photography has built up a nice reputation, and now Morgan often finds herself speaking with clients she has obtained through references, recommendations, and word of mouth. Her passion is photography, and her work shines through in everything she does. This photography professional truly captures these important moments in her clients’ lives, which are photographic memories that they can cherish for a lifetime.